Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury

Tom Owens, USA, 2012

21 min.U/Kort fiktionBørnefilm, Animation

Aldersgrænse Tilladt for alle
Vurdering Filmen har en varm og humoristisk grundstemning. I en enkelt scene er en dreng på en drage ved at blive fløjet ned af en masse andre drager. Da denne scene er kortvarig og indlagt i den ellers roligt fortalte ramme, vurderes det, at filmen ikke vil kunne virke skræmmende på børn.
Dansk titel Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury
Original titel Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury
Instruktør Tom Owens
Produktionsland USA
Produktionsselskab DreamWorks Pictures
Dansk distribution Fox-Paramount Home Entertainment AB
Vurderingsdato 14.09.2012
Synopsis The Viking town of Berk, now enjoying its new alliance with the dragons, is preparing for its annual winter holiday of Snoggletog. However, that spirit is threatened when all the dragons, except Toothless who needs Hiccup to help him, suddenly fly away for some reason. While Astrid ineffectually tries to salvage the occasion, Hiccup decides to build Toothless a new prosthetic to allow him to fly independently, only to have the dragon take off as well. However, as the holiday approaches, Hiccup finds himself swept up to learn the dragons secret the hard way and to find a solution to bring them home early.