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Real Life Is Always Another Story
30. mar 2009. Denmark is at war. As a nation, we’d rather not think about it. Not so for Annette K. Olesen, whose "Little Soldier", written by Kim Fupz Aakeson, tells the dramatic story of a woman soldier who…
Pure Talent
01. feb 2008. Stine Fischer Christensen has a love affair with the camera. It loves her girlish good looks and soulful gaze. At 21, she has already demonstrated robust talent in several directions.
New Pixel Politics
11. may 2009. One of the first memorable Danish video games had players fighting naval battles in five colours using two keys. Today, Danish politicians are backing a national game-design education as well as a…
07. feb 2012. "We aim to show some of the aspects of Danish cinema that we are most proud of," Christian Juhl Lemche, project leader of the film activities during the EU presidency, says.
Dancing with Demons
09. nov 2011 | INTERVIEW. For two years, co-directors Christian Bonke and Andreas Koefoed tracked former International Latin World Champion Slavik Kryklyvyy as he struggled to get back to the top. For the Ukrainian ballroom…
The Future of (Tabloid) Newspapers
11. nov 2014. At a time when the newspaper industry is struggling with changing habits of news consumption, Mikala Krogh got access to the Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet. Documenting the daily work of reporters and…
Karen Blixen's Mark
10. nov 2011 | INTERVIEW. Director Morten Henriksen was just 10 years old when his father first involved him in his close personal relationship with the world-famous author Karen Blixen, also known by her pen name Isak…
Women on Power
22. nov 2012 | WHY POVERTY. Can you teach illiterate women from developing countries to build solar panels? That's exactly what a project in India aims to do. "Solar Mamas" tracks a Jordanian woman's struggle to educate herself…
I Never Went to a Funeral Where No One Laughed
15. may 2013. The last 10-15 years have seen a steady stream of divorced police detectives and psycho killers coming out of Scandinavia. Now, Mikkel Nørgaard has adapted "The Keeper of Lost Causes" by the…
Give Kids a Break!
03. nov 2010 | INTERVIEW. It comes as a surprise to Dorte Høeg Brask that one out of three Danish children go through a divorce. That 3,000 children lose a parent every year. That children at Danish asylum centres don't have…
'Quotas Are For Fish'
04. may 2010. Winning awards, making headlines, gaining international recognition – Danish women directors are doing exceptionally well right now. But is gender really still an issue?
I don't think I'll ever get tired of monkeys in movies
10. may 2012 | NEW ANIMATION. It's been almost four years since Jan Rahbek won the Nordisk Film & TV Fund's Nordic Talent Pitch. Now he has transformed his winning idea into the animated action-comedy "Marco Macaco". Though a…