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Danish animation stands tall in Annecy
11. jun 2018 | ANIMATION. Danish animation producers come in fine form to Annecy Animation Film Festival, running from 11-16 June. Storytelling, cost-effectiveness and strong collaborations are among Danish animation's…
Political thriller by first-time feature director
20. apr 2018 | IN PRODUCTION. Ulaa Salim is making his debut as feature film director with 'Sons of Denmark,' a film about two young men caught in a web of fear and powerlessness in a modern democratic society.
The history of the logo
In 2000 e-Types and The Danish Film Institute were awarded the Danish Design prize for a design that “demonstrates what design really means – bringing things in order.”
3 Real Life Is Always Another Story
30. mar 2009. Denmark is at war. As a nation, we’d rather not think about it. Not so for Annette K. Olesen, whose "Little Soldier", written by Kim Fupz Aakeson, tells the dramatic story of a woman soldier who…
Content And Discontent
01. feb 2008. "The varied nature of Danish Films may seem guaranteed to inspire intellectual vertigo, but in fact there are central overriding motifs which link many of the films," according to Steve Gravestock,…
Exiled in Our Life
01. may 2008. "Young Man Falling" directed by Martin de Thurah has been selected for the medium length films section of the 47th International Critics' Week.
Life in a Chinese Orphanage
23. nov 2015 | NEW FILM. Kaspar Astrup Schröder's Learning to Forget captures two years at a Beijing orphanage, where children of convicts are trying to find their feet in the world.
Reality rules!
10. may 2012 | PROFILE. It has only been five years since Tobias Lindholm graduated as a screenwriter, but he has already established himself as one of the most respected storytellers in Danish cinema. His credits include…
Curiosity is the Driver
10. nov 2011 | ONE TO WATCH. With an open mind and a camera under his arm, the self-taught, adventure-loving filmmaker Andreas Johnsen documents human lives around the globe.
A Trans Boy Becomes a Man
11. nov 2014. A love story between a transsexual teen and his girlfriend, Elvira Lind's musical portrait documentary "Songs for Alexis" acts as a magnifying glass on youthful vulnerability and dawning maturity.
No Monkey Business
12. may 2010. Shortly after graduating from the National Film School of Denmark in 2008, animation director Jan Rahbek pitched an idea at the Nordisk Film & TV Fond's Talent Pitch and won. Suddenly, Rahbek was…